Vendors and Exhibitors - Welcome!
Please join us for for the Annual Pine Cone Festival, celebrating the San Bernardino mountains and promoting families, fire prevention, our local communities and healthy forests!
Check back next spring for online applications
Double booths are available for a discount! Before ordering more than one booth online, please contact our Vendor Coordinator and we will send you a special discounted invoice!
NOTE: this is NOT FOR PRE-PACKAGED items, only FOOD COURT items prepared on site! Pre-packaged homemade food items fall under "Handcraft"
Prepare and serve your food items in a gorgeous forest setting. The Festival works very hard to avoid duplication of food items, and there is always room for something different! Hot dogs, hamburgers, burritos, tacos, roast beef, snow-cones, roasted almonds, kettlecorn, jerky and more! Get in on the FUN! Complete the FOOD vendor form above (specifically for food prepared and served on site), and either save it and email to us after paying online with PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button above, OR print and mail it in with your check. Click HERE to contact our vendor coordinator and/or to email your form in after paying online.
This is for items that are all handmade or handcrafted or homemade (i.e. pre-packaged baked goods)
Handcrafters are Talented and Creative and we want to see what you have to offer! Many folks come to the Festival just to see the wonderful selection of handmade items ranging from homemade jams, cookies and breads, bath salts and lotions, pottery, jewelry, apparel, candies, wood carvings, photos & art work, puzzles, home decor, Christmas fare and more! Complete the Handcraft vendor form above, and either save it and email to us after paying online with PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button above, OR print and mail it in with your check. Not sure if your product is considered "retail" or "handcraft"? Click HERE to contact our vendor coordinator and/or to email your form in after paying online.
Retail items include things that are not HANDMADE or crafted; i.e. manufactured hats, toys, fire prevention products, candle warmers, books, jewelry, fragrances, unique tools, and so on. Whatever you are selling, there is a place for you at the Festival. We strive to avoid duplication, i.e. only one "Scentsy" or "Cookie Lee" vendor per event. Complete the Retail vendor form above, and either save it and email to us after paying online with PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button above, OR print and mail it in with your check. Not sure if your product is considered "retail" or "handcraft"? Click HERE to contact our vendor coordinator and/or email your form in after paying online.

Click on the pdf icon to download the Non-Profit / Agency Application!
A key component to the Festival is sharing information about our mountains, fire prevention, forest health, family activities, our local communities and the multitude of services available for residents and visitors alike. Non-Profits and Agencies are not charged for providing information, however, we do require NP booths have an activity or handouts for children to better engage them in the messages of your organization and/or the Festival. Print and complete the NON-PROFIT/Agency form above and mail it in, FAX to (866) 923-3473, or complete and save it and then email it by clicking HERE.